TREES MAG - modelling of planT REsponsES to varying MAGnetic fields: the search for a plant magnetoreceptor

[Codice PRIN2022: 2022ENLMBY]

The project aims to provide physiological, molecular and biochemical evidence of the ability of plants to perceive and respond to varying MFs. Two research units (RU): RU1, Plant Physiology Unit of the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy; RU2, Institute of Electronics, Information Engineering and Telecommunications of the National Research Council of Italy (IEIIT CNR), will carry out 2 main workpackages (WP1 and WP2).

WP1: Modelling of magnetic field distribution inside the MFCC 

WP1 focuses on the computational modelling of the MF exposure conditions that will be reproduced inside the exposure system during plant experiments. As exposure system, we will use during the project the Magnetic Field Compensation Chamber (MFCC) available in the RU1 laboratory. WP1.1. Digital twin of MFCC With the term “digital twin” here we refer to a virtual representation or model of a real-world entity or system. WP1.2. Modeling of the experimental exposure conditions.

Magnetic Field Compensation Chamber

WP2: Systems Biology of Plant responses to MF and simulated microgravity

WP2 is a multi-omics systems biology study on WT and mutants of the model plants Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotype Col0, Lactuca sativa and Solanum lycopersicum cv Microtom that will be cultivated in controlled NNMF and simulated microgravity conditions in the Magnetic Field Compensation Chamber (MFCC). WP2.1. Metabolomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics. WP2.2. Ionomics. WP2.3. Iron-Sulfur Complex Assembly (IscA). WP2.4. ROS production. WP2.5. Cryptochrome as a magnetoreceptor. WP2.6. MOSB, Multi-Omics Systems Biology, analysis.

Random Positioning Machine

The project development is specifically designed for planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the advancement status in order to accomplish the expected results.

The two WPs will be harmonized with a general layout based on the assumption that plants react to varying MFs and microgravity conditions (WP2) and that the proof of concept is consolidated by a fine-tuned modelling of magnetic field distribution (WP1).